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And so in a sentence

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Sentence count:283+14Posted:2016-07-18Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: and so onhandsomeand so forthheart and soulon the grounds oflandscapediamondsbehind scheduleMeaning: adv. subsequently or soon afterward (often used as sentence connectors). 
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31 The service was terrible and so was the food.
32 He went abroad last year. —and so did I.
33 Joe was a little upset, and so was I.
34 He's been ill, and so has his wife.
35 He likes skating and so does she.
36 He reported to a section chief, who reported to a division chief, and so on up the line.
37 They claim that the wine is for personal use and so evade the duty.
38 There wasn't time to finish all the games last night and so some have had to be carried over until next week.
39 She spends her day doing housework, watching television, reading, and so on.
40 Cooked garlic helps to prevent blood clotting, and so reduces the risk of heart attack.
41 Right now in Congress, they're fiddling around with the budget and so on.
42 The rogue blew on the scheme and so betrayed his partner to the police.
43 What with all this work and so little sleep at nights, I don't think I can go on much longer.
44 And so I would say, in summary[], that the campaign has been a great success.
45 The water rate is the payment in Britain for water when it is supplied to houses and factories and so forth.
46 John couldn't get the guy to cooperate and so I had to call and chew him out.
47 We live on top of a hill and so we get excellent radio reception.
48 Charles Bright thought it dangerous to lay the cable in these conditions; and so he shouted to the men to stop the machine.
49 This rifle only holds one cartridge and so must be reloaded after each shot.
50 He was not confident and so he lathered himself into a frenzy.
51 The police feared that the crowd were becoming disorderly and so they moved in with horses.
52 an FM radio. U is a vowel but begins with / j / and so you say:a UN declaration.
53 My parents were always on the move and so my childhood was spent being dragged from pillar to post.
54 The woman asked if he could perhaps mend her fences,( so.html) and so he stayed.
55 I am not an emotional type and so cannot bring myself to tell him I love him.
56 The new employee was useless and so the management got shot of him after only a week.
57 She was at rock bottom. Her long-term love affair was breaking up and so was she.
58 You can do things for your health in the way of diet, exercise, good lifestyle, not smoking and so on.
59 They sell a wide range of domestic appliances-washing machines, dishwashers and so on.
60 Club-goers are a mixed bag these days, and so are the places they go clubbing.
More similar words: and so onhandsomeand so forthheart and soulon the grounds oflandscapediamondsbehind schedulemake friends with
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